Etymology of "pfiesteria"?

According to wikipedia:

Pfiesteria was discovered in 1988 by North Carolina State University researchers JoAnn Burkholder and Ed Noga. The genus was named after Lois Ann Pfiester (1936–1992), a biologist who did much of the early research on dinoflagellates. An in-depth story of the discovery can be found in And the Waters Turned to Blood by Rodney Barker.

According to Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press:

Pfiester; German: variant of Pfister.

And, again, according to Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press:

Pfister; South German and Swiss German: occupational name for a baker, from Middle High German pfister ‘baker’ (from Latin pistor).

From And the Waters Turned to Blood by Rodney Barker, p. 103:

"Pfiesteria was a tribute to their friend the late Lois Pfiester, a pioneer in unraveling the sexual life cycles of fresh-water dinoflagellates..."