2 Safari.app's exist in the system on macOS 10.15.5 19F101

Solution 1:

In the Finder, navigate to the Safari you don't want, drag it to the Trash, and empty the Trash. During the process, you'll probably be asked to authenticate yourself as an administrator.

Solution 2:

It is a throw back to the days of the Archive and Install feature of MacOS and you can not delete it because System Integrity Protection (SIP) is enabled protecting it (its meant to be).

I have this directory on my system and the duplicates are not listing in Alfred suggesting its your Alfred set-up. So I think this is more of an Alfred cache or preferences issue.

Try typing "reload" into Alfred to Reload Alfred Cache. I have heard that this can solve this issue with system volume duplicates.

If it still happens try to exclude the directory in system preference -> spotlight -> privacy (Spotlight is used by Alfred) and Alfred preferences -> features -> default results make sure the directory isn't in the list and make sure search all file types is unchecked.

I think the directory is mapped to your actual profile so the things you see are the same. Think of it as the same file from two different angles.

I am not sure, but perhaps its still there for compatibility because the macOS installation no longer gives the archive option.