Missing routes.php File in New Laravel Project

The lastest version of Laravel doesn't have a routes.php file.

This 'routes.php' file was located in \app\Http in the older versions.

In the newer version, Laravel 5.3, we have a folder named 'routes', where we can find the following files:

  • api.php
  • console.php
  • web.php

For this new version, the routes for your controllers, you can put inside web.php file

See the documentation about routing here


The video lesson you are watching may be outdated.

In the Latest Laravel they have removed common routes.php where as they have added different route files to better manage your application routes.

There is

  1. routes/web.php : routes file which works similar to routes.php file where you can have your routes and all the POST routes in web.php file will be validated for the CSRF Token similar to normal Laravel Post route.

  2. routes/api.php : routes file where you can have your Application's API routes, the URL will be example.com/api/ Eg. If you have route getUsers then the API URL will be example.com/api/getUsers. The most important thing to notice is POST requests to an API url will not be validated for CSRF Token.

  3. routes/console.php : routes file where you can define your Artisan commands which you can run from Laravel Artisan CLI.

Laravel new version don't have routes.php

It has

1.web.php To create Web routes

2.api.php if you are using front (js) framework then write routes here

3.console.php the console.php used for console commands and interaction with commands