I am not sure what you mean with task specific performance, so you will get a slightly generic answer.

There are a lot of different metrics for comparing CPU's, and it depends a lot on what you intend to do with them. The most common meta statistics are:

  • Performance/price
  • Performance/watt

And the ever popular weighted index such as

  • Performance/(price + watt*3 years of electricity)

Performance in turn can be measured in many ways:

  • MHz (oooh! Marketing!)
  • Synthetic benchmarks
  • Memory bandwith (Often the limit in HPC applications)
  • Application performance for a specific application

You should compare the CPU performance against the intended application. If your application is a virtualization server with 200 virtual hosts you will want a very different CPU from what you need in a mobile phone or in a firewall. Outside the HPC world it's rare that a single test captures most of the performance characteristics you are interested in.

Usually SpecInt 2006 (http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/CINT2006/) are a good start.