How to enable COVID-19 Exposure Logging in India

Solution 1:

Non developers don’t get to enable COVID-19 logging in ares where Apple hasn’t enabled it.

Apple has documented volumes of technical data, reasoning, white papers and more:

If that’s not enough to get you going, since you are developing, you do have an avenue that all consumers lack. Open a developer support ticket with Apple using your developer account to get access to a pre-release OS and register any requests that support development of an app before it’s rolled out.


That’s the best way to move forward on this if you can’t wait for it to be rolled into the production OS for your region or you want to see the beta SDK / API so you know what is coming as opposed to what shipped. Also, look at WWDC dates - since that is less than 20 days away, you might wait quite some time for an answer or have to rely on the developer forums / documentation already written as there’s a lot in the air right now on the development side.