Extremely slow ubuntu 18.04 boot time
So I have looked at a lot of suggestions from this website already and tried quite a few of them, but they all differ and I get a feeling these are very specific problems for which I lack the expertise to find which exact case applies to me.
Here is my result for systemd-analyze blame
1min 59.160s plymouth-quit-wait.service
33.950s apt-daily.service
7.276s NetworkManager-wait-online.service
2.292s apt-daily-upgrade.service
754ms fwupd.service
397ms dev-sda6.device
375ms systemd-logind.service
362ms plymouth-start.service
230ms NetworkManager.service
209ms udisks2.service
169ms networkd-dispatcher.service
160ms systemd-timesyncd.service
147ms systemd-resolved.service
135ms ModemManager.service
123ms apparmor.service
104ms accounts-daemon.service
100ms keyboard-setup.service
99ms systemd-journal-flush.service
91ms systemd-udevd.service
75ms upower.service
71ms systemd-udev-trigger.service
69ms plymouth-read-write.service
62ms systemd-rfkill.service
And this is what I get from systemd-analyze critical-chain:
graphical.target @2min 330ms
└─multi-user.target @2min 330ms
└─kerneloops.service @8.446s +7ms
└─network-online.target @8.441s
└─NetworkManager-wait-online.service @1.164s +7.276s
└─NetworkManager.service @932ms +230ms
└─dbus.service @877ms
└─basic.target @872ms
└─sockets.target @872ms
└─uuidd.socket @872ms
└─sysinit.target @868ms
└─systemd-timesyncd.service @707ms +160ms
└─systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service @672ms +31ms
└─local-fs.target @671ms
└─run-user-122.mount @1.340s
└─swap.target @623ms
These were a few things I noticed were added to most of these questions, so I thought they might help as well.
I run ubuntu 18.04 LTS in a dual boot configuration using GRUB. My grub version is 2.02-2ubuntu8.9.
You can improve your boot time by:
Move the update check from boot to sometime later by running
sudo systemctl edit apt-daily.timer
and changing to something like:# apt-daily timer configuration override [Timer] OnBootSec=15min OnUnitActiveSec=1d AccuracySec=1h RandomizedDelaySec=30min
Refer to this answer for more complete explanation.
If you're not using your computer remotely by yourself or someone else you can disable the
which just make sure networking is online and available by runningsudo systemctl disable NetworkManager-wait-online.service
I guess these will cut off roughly 40 seconds of boot time.