Debunking Scala myths [closed]

What are the most commonly held misconceptions about the Scala language, and what counter-examples exist to these?


I was thinking more about various claims I've seen, such as "Scala is dynamically typed" and "Scala is a scripting language".

I accept that "Scala is [Simple/Complex]" might be considered a myth, but it's also a viewpoint that's very dependent on context. My personal belief is that it's the very same features that can make Scala appear either simple or complex depending oh who's using them. Ultimately, the language just offers abstractions, and it's the way that these are used that shapes perceptions.

Not only that, but it has a certain tendency to inflame arguments, and I've not yet seen anyone change a strongly-held viewpoint on the topic...

Solution 1:

Myth: That Scala’s “Option” and Haskell’s “Maybe” types won’t save you from null. :-)

Debunked: Why Scala's "Option" and Haskell's "Maybe" types will save you from null by James Iry.

Solution 2:

Myth: Scala supports operator overloading.

Actually, Scala just has very flexible method naming rules and infix syntax for method invocation, with special rules for determining method precedence when the infix syntax is used with 'operators'. This subtle distinction has critical implications for the utility and potential for abuse of this language feature compared to true operator overloading (a la C++), as explained more thoroughly in James Iry's answer to this question.

Solution 3:

Myth: methods and functions are the same thing.

In fact, a function is a value (an instance of one of the FunctionN classes), while a method is not. Jim McBeath explains the differences in greater detail. The most important practical distinctions are:

  • Only methods can have type parameters
  • Only methods can take implicit arguments
  • Only methods can have named and default parameters
  • When referring to a method, an underscore is often necessary to distinguish method invocation from partial function application (e.g. str.length evaluates to a number, while str.length _ evaluates to a zero-argument function).

Solution 4:

I disagree with the argument that Scala is hard because you can use very advanced features to do hard stuff with it. The scalability of Scala means that you can write DSL abstractions and high-level APIs in Scala itself that otherwise would need a language extension. So to be fair you need to compare Scala libraries to other languages compilers. People don't say that C# is hard because (I assume, don't have first hand knowledge on this) the C# compiler is pretty impenetrable. For Scala it's all out in the open. But we need to get to a point where we make clear that most people don't need to write code on this level, nor should they do it.