Stopping overscroll / bounce in Phonegap IOS

I am using the latest version of Phonegap on IOS (ipad) and I can't seem to disable the vertical overscroll/bounce on the whole app. I don't mind it on inner elements but it looks rather strange when you swipe up or down and the whole app bounces up and down.

I've tried setting UIWebViewBounce to no in the .plist however that doesn't seem to have done anything.

Appreciate the help :)

Solution 1:

You have to modify a property in your config.xml file. Just set the following preference to true

<preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true" />

Solution 2:

The accepted answer did not work for me, I had to set UIWebViewBounce to false:

<preference name="UIWebViewBounce" value="false" />