Is there a way to test for a player's health Minecraft Bedrock?
I've been trying to make a Dead by Daylight map in Minecraft Bedrock but I can’t figure out how to make it so that when a player gets hit they receive a speed boost.
Solution 1:
This can be broken up into 2 problems first we need to detcet if a player hit another player.
First, create two scoreboard objectives: didDamage and hurtTime
scoreboard objectives add didDamage stat.damageDealt
scoreboard objectives add hurtTime dummy
Then, run the following commands:
scoreboard players add @e hurtTime 1
scoreboard players set @e hurtTime 0 {HurtTime:0s}
execute @e[score_hurtTime_min=1,score_hurtTime=1] ~ ~ ~ tellraw @a[score_didDamage=1] "Nice hit!"
scoreboard player set @a didDamage 0
Next, do this
scoreboard players add @e[type=player] hurtTime 1
scoreboard players set @e[type=player] hurtTime 0 {HurtTime:0s}
Now, we test for the speed boost
/testfor @p[scores={hurtTime=..1}]
/effect give @p speed 1 2
Hope I got this right. I am still kind of new to!!