Problems with setting up my minecraft server via external IP

There are multiple thing to know and to check according your internet config. I give you a short checklist:

  • Check on your local PC, that you server is running on the port you expect (Simpli try to connect on the same PC with "localhost" as target)
  • Check if you have running any Firewalls on your local PC, that could block your port
    • you can try to connect from another PC in your local network to at least test if the port is open localy)
  • Add port-forwarding in your router to your local pc
  • Make your the IP you give to your friend is the real Internet-IP (you could use
    • I recommend using IPv4, because IPv6 is very complicated to use for custom servers)

If thats all done, check if yout Port is reachable from "outside" you can use

e.g. if your public ip is open

The response should something like this

  "online": true,
  "ip": "",
  "port": 25565,
   // and more stuff

When your server is online (Important for you is online: true)