Can you get your fully filled map back if you lose it?

I spent around one to two hours on a survival server trying to fill in a map (this is early game so I don't have an elytra yet).

I had just finished when I had a sudden urge to kill an enderman. I died and all of my stuff despawned before I managed to get it back.

Is there any way to get back the progress from the previous map without filling it in again by walking around? The server is on Java but supports Bedrock, which is what I am playing on.

Solution 1:

Unless you made a clone of that map, all your progress is lost.

An easy solution is asking another player to clone you a complete map.

Solution 2:

If you have admin permissions (or in singleplayer go to "open lan game" with "enabled cheats", you can use the command:

/give @p filled_map{map:#}

So e.g. if you lost the map with the number 20, type

/give @p minecraft:filled_map{map:20} 1

If you don't know the number of the map, go to you world-folder and take a look into the data directory, there will be files named e.g. map_20.dat.

Every file you see there was/is one map that somebody created on you map. So you just need to try all existing numbers until you get the correct map.

For the future I would advise you: Always make a copy of important maps and keep in a safe place.

When one of the maps gets lost, you will see, that the map-copy will always have the same state like the "original" map (because the data of all maps with the same ID is stored in the same file in you savegame)