Is there any way to get a dark theme in Anypoint Studio?

Solution 1:

My Feature Request was finally approved and progressed, you can now use the dark theme here :)

Find it here:

ARCHIVE: The easiest way is: Preferences - General - Appearance and selecting the Dark option. But it does have visual bugs. You could apply some extra configurations to that Theme to make it more usable, but you will still have the visual bugs inside the components like HTTP Listeners.

We could start a voting for this "Idea" so Mulesoft will consider a Dark theme release.

Solution 2:

I have Anypoint Studio 5.4.1.

Go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance, then choose the Dark theme from the Theme drop down:

Anypoint Studio Themes screenclip

Solution 3:

To install a new Anypoint Studio Theme, navigate to the Help menu in Studio, then select Install New Software. Use the drop-down to select Anypoint Studio Themes, then browse the dozens of available themes. Follow the steps to download, then relaunch Studio with your new theme.