Fullscreen YouTube video crash

I am running Ubuntu 14.10.

I was listening to this YouTube video: http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=-tJYN-eG1zk&p=n

When I decided to make it full screen, but it didn't want to go, so I very quickly double-clicked on it twice, and then the entire screen went black. And no matter what I did, it go away. Although I could still hear the music from the video. As I couldn't do anything really about it I had to hold down my power button and force it to shutdown. And when it started up the screen was fine. It is a laptop so I don't think that the monitor just turned off or something.

I have filed a bug report here about this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1413710

But I was just wondering if anyone here knows why this kind of thing could happen? And if it is actually a problem with my configuration settings and not actually a bug, or if it is a bug, then some sort of workaround.

Information Update:

As you will be able to see if you go to the place where I filed the bug report, it has now been marked as Confirmed and Critical. And in the bug report comments you will see that this crash is not only caused by making YouTube videos fullscreen, but by making any page fullscreen.

Disabling hardware acceleration in Chrome settings is the workaround I'm using for now. After disabling hardware acceleration, full-screen videos work fine.

Please try using Firefox instead of Chrome. Though it is not a perfect solution, it works.

I got this idea from a similar question posted here (edit 2 in this question has this suggestion).

I am also waiting for a better solution for this question but for the time being, this sounds fine.