Do higher level ores have better chances of giving you higher tier gems?

Solution 1:

You are correct. The type of ore dictates the tier of gem you can get.

From the wiki:

Raw Gemstones are obtained through most of the non-elemental mining nodes. These nodes being Iron, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Starmetal, & Orichalcum. Each node can only grant certain Tiers of raw gemstone(s) pertaining to the type of node and % Miner's Luck a player has.

The various ore wiki page's also confirm this:

Iron Veins produce Iron Ore and have no level requirement in order to gather. They have the potential to produce Tier I Raw Gemstones as well as Sparkmetal and Fae Iron, based off of the player's %Miner's Luck.

Silver Veins produce Silver Ore and require level 10 in the Mining skill to gather, and can be tracked at level 35. They have the potential to also produce Tier I & II Raw Gemstones as well as Sparkmetal based off of the player's %Miner's Luck.

Gold Veins produce Gold Ore and require level 45 in the Mining skill to gather. They have the potential to produce Tier II & III Raw Gemstones as well as Sparkmetal based off of the player's Miner's Luck.

Starmetal Veins produce Starmetal Ore and require level 100 in the Mining skill to gather. They have the potential to produce Tier II, III & IV Raw Gemstones as well as Sparkmetal based off of the player's %Miner's Luck.

Orichalcum Veins produce Orichalcum Ore and require 175 Mining skill to gather, and 135 to track. Drop rate of rare resources depend on one's Mining Luck. Brilliant (Tier IV) Raw Gemstones Pristine (Tier V) Raw Gemstones