Probability that $3$ hands of a clock in the same semi-circle?
The hands in fact move deterministically; it is just the time when we view them that can be random. The movement repeats ever twelve hours, so assume we view the hands at some moment uniformly distributed between noon and midnight. Then the probability they will be within a semicircle is the number of hours they spend in a semicircle, divided by $12.$
Starting at noon, the hands are within one semicircle until the second hand is opposite the hour hand. The second hand makes $12\times 60 = 720$ revolutions in $12$ hours while the hour hand makes one revolution in the same time, so the time until the second and hour hands first align after noon is $12/719$ hour, which is $720/719$ minutes; but the time from noon until the hands are exactly opposite is half that time, $360/719$ minute.
For a short time after the first $360/719$ minute, the hands are not within a semicircle. They are in a semicircle again starting at the instant when the second hand is opposite the minute hand. The second hand aligns with the minute hand for the first time after noon at $60/59$ minutes after noon, so the first time they are opposite is at $30/59$ minute after noon.
Let $t_h = 360/719$ and $t_m = 30/59,$ and let's take the convention that "at time $t$" means at $t$ minutes past noon. So the first time interval when the hands are not in a semicircle starts at $t_h$ and ends at $t_m.$ The length of this interval is $t_m - t_h$ minutes; specifically, the time during which the hands are continuously not in a semicircle, in minutes, is $$ \frac{30}{59} - \frac{360}{719} = \frac{330}{42421}. $$
The second such time interval starts at $3t_h$ and ends at $3t_m$ for $3(t_m - t_h)$ minutes not in a semicircle, the third starts at $5t_h$ and ends at $5t_m$, and so forth as long as the minute hand remains less than $180$ degrees clockwise from the hour hand.
This is a promising pattern: after $n$ intervals like this, we will have spent a total of $n^2(t_m - t_h)$ minutes during which the hands do not fit in a semicircle.
Alas, the full solution is not that simple. The intervals increase in length until they are almost half a minute long, and then this simple pattern is broken.
The minute hand first becomes exactly opposite the hour hand at $6/11$ hour after noon, that is, at $360/11$ minutes after noon. Shortly before that, at $65t_h$ minutes, the second hand passes opposite to the hour hand, making the hands not within a semicircle; but at $360/11$ minutes after noon the second hand is suddenly finds itself between the minute and hour hands so that the hands are all within a semicircle again, even though $65t_m$ minutes have not yet passed.
After this abbreviated interval of not-in-a-semicircle time, the next interval is almost half a minute long, and the next several intervals decrease in length. But once they have decreased enough, they start increasing again, and the pattern repeats but with different intervals each time as the relative position of the second hand is different each time the minute hand overtakes the hour hand or comes opposite to it.
At about this point in the analysis I decided I would rather have a computer count the time for me. The events where the hands start fitting in a semicircle or stop fitting in a semicircle all occur at exact integer multiples of either $1/11,$ $1/59,$ or $1/719$ minute after noon. Since those fractions have a common denominator of $11\times 59\times 719 = 466631,$ every event of interest (where the hands start or stop being within a semicircle) occurs at some multiple of $1/466631$ minute after noon. By taking $720\times 466631$ equal timesteps of that length we cover twelve hours. At the start of each timestep we know from the relative positions of the three hands whether the hands will fit in a semicircle or not during that timestep. (It is one way for the entire duration of the timestep.)
I wrote the analysis in the python script shown below. I had the script count the first six hours, take a checkpoint, and then do the last six hours. Everything after $6$ o'clock is a mirror image of what happened before, in reverse order, so the same sequence of lengths of intervals occurs in reverse order after $6$ o'clock. I had the script record the start, end, and duration of each interval to verify this. Note that since each interval starts about a minute after the previous one, there are almost $360$ intervals in six hours, but not quite $360$ due to the way the hands "catch up" with each other.
According to my script, it takes $720\times 11\times 59\times 719 = 335974320$ timesteps to complete twelve hours, and during $83982960$ of those timesteps the three hands do not fit within a semicircle. The proportion of time not in a semicircle is therefore $$ \frac{83982960}{335974320} = \frac{1977}{7909} \approx 0.2499683904412694. $$ So the probability that the hands are not within a semicircle is almost, but not quite, $1/4$; the probability that they are within a semicircle is therefore slightly over $3/4.$
To relate these calculations to G Cab's method, let $x$ be the number of units of $12/11$ hour since noon (that is, $x$ is $0$ at noon and $11$ at midnight). If $k = \lfloor x\rfloor$ (an integer), then for each $k$ (that is, for each period of $12/11$ hour) there are two sequences of intervals during which the three hands are not within a semicircle. During the first half of this period, while the angle from the hour hand to the minute hand is between $0$ and $180$ degrees clockwise, the three hands are not in a semicircle whenever $$ m + \frac12 \leq \frac{15(2k)}{22} + \frac{719}{11} \tau < m + \frac12 + \tau $$ for some integer $m,$ where $\tau = x - k,$ and during the second half of this period, while the angle from the minute hand to the hour hand is between $0$ and $180$ degrees clockwise, the three hands are not in a semicircle when $$ n + \tau \leq \frac{15(2k + 1)}{22} + \frac{719}{11} \tau < n + \frac12 $$ for some integer $n,$ where $\tau = x - k - \frac12.$ In either case we also have the restriction that $0 \leq \tau < \frac12.$
In the typical case, the beginning or end of an interval occurs when one of the inequalities becomes an equation; the exceptions occur when the equation is true only for $\tau < 0$ or $\tau > \frac12$. Solving these equations for $\tau,$ we find $$\tau = \frac{11}{719} \left(m + \frac12 - \frac{15(2k)}{22}\right)\tag1$$ at the start and $$\tau = \frac{11}{708} \left(m + \frac12 - \frac{15(2k)}{22}\right)\tag2$$ at the end of a typical interval in the first sequence, but $$\tau = \frac{11}{708} \left(n - \frac{15(2k+1)}{22}\right)\tag3$$ at the start and $$\tau = \frac{11}{719} \left(n + \frac12 - \frac{15(2k+1)}{22}\right)\tag4$$ at the end of one in the second sequence. The length of the first interval (in the same units as $\tau$) is therefore \begin{align} \Delta\tau_1 &= \frac{11}{708} \left(m + \frac12 - \frac{15(2k)}{22}\right) - \frac{11}{719} \left(m + \frac12 - \frac{15(2k)}{22}\right) \\ &= \frac{121}{708(719)} \left(m - \frac{30k - 11}{22}\right) \end{align} and the length of the second interval is \begin{align} \Delta\tau_2 &= \frac{11}{719} \left(n + \frac12 - \frac{15(2k+1)}{22}\right) - \frac{11}{708} \left(n - \frac{15(2k+1)}{22}\right) \\ &= \frac{121}{708(719)} \left(\frac{30k + 723}{22} - n\right) \end{align}
The combined length of two intervals, one from each sequence, is \begin{align} \Delta\tau_1 + \Delta\tau_2 &= \frac{121}{708(719)} \left(m - \frac{30k - 11}{22}\right) + \frac{121}{708(719)} \left(\frac{30k + 723}{22} - n\right) \\ &= \frac{11}{708(719)} \left(367 + 11(m - n)\right) \\ \end{align}
If we hold $m - n$ constant, $\Delta\tau_1 + \Delta\tau_2$ is independent of the value of $m$ as long as all of the $\tau$ values from which we computed $\Delta\tau_1$ and $\Delta\tau_2$ are between $0$ and $\frac12.$ For example, if we set $n = m$, we get a pairing of intervals in which each pair of intervals has total length $\frac{11(367)}{708(719)}$ except in some cases where an interval starts at $\tau=0$ or ends at $\tau=\frac12$ or where an interval has no corresponding interval in the other sequence. Trial and error shows that if we set $n=m+1$ we minimize the number of intervals that are unmatched or that are in a pair where one interval ends at $\tau=0$ or $\tau=\frac12$ instead of where the equations above say it will (there are $14$ such intervals); each matched pair then has total length $\frac{11(367-11)}{708(719)} = \frac{11(89)}{3(59)(719)}$ in the units of $\tau.$ This is equal to $\frac{356}{59(719)}$ hour, which is $234960$ timesteps of the brute-force method.
According to my spreadsheet calculations, if $n = m+1$ there are $32$ matched pairs of intervals for each value of $k.$ since there are $11$ values of $k,$ the total time in intervals that belong to typical matched pairs is $352 \times 234960$ timesteps. It then remains to account for the $14$ intervals that are not in typical matched pairs. Those intervals can be identified for each $k$ by finding the maximum $m$ such that right-hand side of Equation $(1)$ is negative and the minimum $n$ such that the right-hand side of Equation $(4)$ is greater than $\frac12.$ A relatively quick hand calculation should therefore be possible, though it would still be longer than I would like to write in detail in this answer.
Update: The calculations are not as long as I feared after all, as shown in G Cab's edited answer.
Here is the script for the brute-force method:
# Program to figure out what proportion of the time the three hands
# of a clock are not within a semicircle.
# Assume there are 59*719*720 equally-spaced positions around the clock face.
# Note: 59*719 == 42421; 42421*11 = 466631.
# Each timestep of this program is 1/42421 of a minute.
# In one timestep, the second hand moves 720 positions, the minute hand
# moves 12 positions, and the hour hand moves 1 position.
# In 42421 timesteps, one minute has passed and the second hand returns
# to the starting position,
numPositions = 11*59*719*720
# Returns the new position after having moved the given amount forward
# from the given position. That is, the return value is the sum of
# the two input values, modulo numPositions.
# It is assumed the input values are in the range 0 to numPositions - 1.
def newPosition(fromPosition, movement):
toPosition = fromPosition + movement
if toPosition >= numPositions:
toPosition -= numPositions
return toPosition
# Returns the number of steps clockwise to get from position1 to position2.
# positions measured in number of steps from the start.
def stepsClockwise(position1, position2):
distance = position2 - position1
if distance < 0:
distance += numPositions
return distance
# Returns 1 if the hands are at the start of a timestep in which the
# smallest angle encompassing all three hands will be greater than 180 degrees,
# 0 if the angle will be less than 180 degrees.
def isLargeAngle(hoursPosition, minutesPosition, secondsPosition):
# A 180 degree angle
halfCircle = numPositions // 2
# A position exactly opposite the seconds hand
antiSecondsPosition = newPosition(secondsPosition, halfCircle)
minutesOffset = stepsClockwise(hoursPosition, minutesPosition)
if minutesOffset < halfCircle:
# The minutes hand is < 180 degrees clockwise from the hour hand
antiOffset = stepsClockwise(hoursPosition, antiSecondsPosition)
if (antiOffset >= 0 and antiOffset < minutesOffset):
# The anti-seconds hand will be between the hours and minutes
# during this timestep, so the seconds hand will be more than
# 180 degrees past the hour hand but less than 180 degrees
# before the minute hand.
return 1
return 0
# The hour hand is <= 180 degrees clockwise from the minute hand.
# During the next timestep the short arc between the hands will be
# clockwise from the minute hand to the hour hand.
hoursOffset = stepsClockwise(minutesPosition, hoursPosition)
antiOffset = stepsClockwise(minutesPosition, antiSecondsPosition)
if (antiOffset >= 0 and antiOffset < hoursOffset):
# The anti-seconds hand will be between the minutes and hours
# during this timestep, so the seconds hand will be more than
# 180 degrees past the minute hand but less than 180 degrees
# before the hour hand.
return 1
return 0
# Runs the given number of timesteps from the given starting position
# and returns the number of times the hands spanned more than 180 degrees.
def countLargeAngles(hoursPosition,
numLargeAngles = 0
wasLargeAngle = 0
largeAngleStarted = 0
numIntervals = 0
for i in range(numTimesteps):
if isLargeAngle(hoursPosition, minutesPosition, secondsPosition):
numLargeAngles += 1
if wasLargeAngle == 0:
largeAngleStarted = startingTimestep + i
wasLargeAngle = 1
if wasLargeAngle == 1:
largeAngleStopped = startingTimestep + i
numIntervals += 1
print(">180 degrees interval ", numIntervals,
" from ", largeAngleStarted,
" to ", largeAngleStopped, " for ",
(largeAngleStopped - largeAngleStarted), " timesteps")
wasLargeAngle = 0
hoursPosition = newPosition(hoursPosition, 1)
minutesPosition = newPosition(minutesPosition, 12)
secondsPosition = newPosition(secondsPosition, 720)
print("After ", numTimesteps, " timesteps")
print("hour hand at ", hoursPosition)
print("minute hand at ", minutesPosition)
print("second hand at ", secondsPosition)
print(numLargeAngles, " positions with > 180 degrees")
return numLargeAngles, hoursPosition, minutesPosition, secondsPosition
# Run 360*466631 timesteps to simulate 6 hours,
# then another 360*466631 timesteps to simulate the next 6 hours.
halfTotalTimesteps = numPositions // 2
hoursPosition = 0
minutesPosition = 0
secondsPosition = 0
secondsPosition) = countLargeAngles(hoursPosition,
secondsPosition) = countLargeAngles(hoursPosition,
numLargeAngles += additionalLargeAngles
print("Total number of timesteps was ", numPositions)
print("Total number of > 180 degrees was ", numLargeAngles)
Let's denote by $\omega$ the angular speeds, so $$ \left\{ \matrix{ \omega _{\,h} = {{2\pi } \over {12h}} = {{2\pi } \over {12 \cdot 3600}}s^{\, - 1} \hfill \cr \omega _{\,m} = {{2\pi } \over h} = {{2\pi } \over {3600}}s^{\, - 1} \hfill \cr \omega _{\,s} = {{2\pi } \over m} = {{2\pi } \over {60}}s^{\, - 1} \hfill \cr} \right. \quad \Rightarrow \quad \left\{ \matrix{ \omega _{\,m} - \omega _{\,h} = 11\;\omega _{\,h} \hfill \cr \omega _{\,s} - \omega _{\,h} = 719\;\omega _{\,h} \hfill \cr} \right. $$
Clearly we are interested in the relative angles $$ \left\{ \matrix{ \alpha _{\,m} = \left( {\omega _{\,m} - \omega _{\,h} } \right)t\, \quad \left( {\bmod 2\pi } \right)\quad \Rightarrow \quad \rho _{\,m} = {{\alpha _{\,m} } \over {2\pi }} = \left\{ {11{{\omega _{\,h} \,t} \over {2\pi }}} \right\}\, \hfill \cr \alpha _{\,s} = \left( {\omega _{\,s} - \omega _{\,h} } \right)t\, \quad \left( {\bmod 2\pi } \right)\quad \Rightarrow \quad \rho _{\,s} = {{\alpha _{\,s} } \over {2\pi }} = \left\{ {719{{\omega _{\,h} \,t} \over {2\pi }}} \right\} \hfill \cr} \right. $$
The hands will be on the same half circle when $$ \left\{ \matrix{ 0 \le \alpha _{\,m} < \pi \hfill \cr 0 \le \alpha _{\,s} < \pi \; \vee \hfill \cr \;\pi + \alpha _{\,m} \le \alpha _{\,s} < 2\pi \hfill \cr} \right.\;\; \vee \;\;\left\{ \matrix{ \pi \le \alpha _{\,m} < 2\pi \hfill \cr \pi \le \alpha _{\,s} < 2\pi \; \vee \; \hfill \cr 0 \le \alpha _{\,s} < \alpha _{\,m} - \pi \hfill \cr} \right. $$ or more simply they will not be so when $$ \left\{ \matrix{ 0 \le \alpha _{\,m} < \pi \hfill \cr \pi \le \alpha _{\,s} < \pi + \alpha _{\,m} \; \hfill \cr} \right.\;\; \vee \;\;\left\{ \matrix{ \pi \le \alpha _{\,m} < 2\pi \hfill \cr \alpha _{\,m} - \pi \le \alpha _{\,s} < \pi \; \hfill \cr} \right. $$
The cycle will endure $12$ h, that is $$ 0 \le {{\omega _{\,h} \,t} \over {2\pi }} < 1 $$ and let's put $$ 11{{\omega _{\,h} \,t} \over {2\pi }} = k + x\quad \left| \matrix{ \;0 \le k \in \mathbb Z \le 10 \hfill \cr \;0 \le x \in \mathbb R < 1 \hfill \cr} \right. $$
Then using $[ ]$ to denote the Iverson bracket and $\overline K (k,x)$ to denote the indicator function of the "forbidden" area, we get $$ \eqalign{ & \overline K (k,x)\quad \left| \matrix{ \;0 \le k \le 10 \hfill \cr \;0 \le x < 1 \hfill \cr} \right.\quad = \cr & = \left[ {0 \le x < {1 \over 2}} \right]\left[ {{1 \over 2} \le \left\{ {{{719} \over {11}}k + {{719} \over {11}}x} \right\} < {1 \over 2} + x} \right] + \cr & + \left[ {{1 \over 2} \le x < 1} \right]\left[ {x - {1 \over 2} \le \left\{ {{{719} \over {11}}k + {{719} \over {11}}x} \right\} < {1 \over 2}} \right] = \cr & = \left[ {0 \le x < {1 \over 2}} \right]\left( \matrix{ \left[ {{1 \over 2} \le \left\{ {{{719\left( {2k} \right)} \over {22}} + {{719} \over {11}}t} \right\} < {1 \over 2} + x} \right] + \hfill \cr + \left[ {x \le \left\{ {{{719\left( {2k + 1} \right)} \over {22}} + {{719} \over {11}}x} \right\} < {1 \over 2}} \right] \hfill \cr} \right) = \cr & = \left[ {0 \le x < {1 \over 2}} \right]\left( \matrix{ \left[ {{1 \over 2} \le \left\{ {{{15\left( {2k} \right)} \over {22}} + {{719} \over {11}}x} \right\} < {1 \over 2} + x} \right] + \hfill \cr + \left[ {x \le \left\{ {{{15\left( {2k + 1} \right)} \over {22}} + {{719} \over {11}}x} \right\} < {1 \over 2}} \right] \hfill \cr} \right) \cr} $$
Therefore the probability $\overline P$ of not having the hands on the same half circle will be $$ \eqalign{ & \overline P = {1 \over {11}}\sum\limits_{k = 0}^{10} {\int_{\,x\, = \,0}^{\,1} {\overline K (k,x)dx} } = \cr & = {1 \over {11}}\sum\limits_{k = 0}^{10} {\int_{\,x\, = \,0}^{\,1/2} {\,\left( \matrix{ \left[ {{1 \over 2} \le \left\{ {{{15\left( {2k} \right)} \over {22}} + {{719} \over {11}}x} \right\} < {1 \over 2} + x} \right] + \hfill \cr + \left[ {x \le \left\{ {{{15\left( {2k + 1} \right)} \over {22}} + {{719} \over {11}}x} \right\} < {1 \over 2}} \right] \hfill \cr} \right)dx} } \cr} $$
$\overline K (k,x)dx $ is represented by the segments of the two sawtooth waves intercepted
inside the respective forbidden areas like those shown in the following sketch.
Note that for better clarity the inclination $m$ of the lines is much lower than $719/11$.
The integral translate into the sum of the $\Delta x$ of each segment.
To compute them let's start with computing the intercepts with $y=1/2$.
The minimum intercept $s_{\,0}$ will be
& y = \left\{ {q + m\,x} \right\} = \left\{ {\left\{ q \right\} + m\,x} \right\}
= {1 \over 2}\quad \Rightarrow \cr
& \Rightarrow \quad \left\{ q \right\} + m\,x = n + {1 \over 2}\quad \Rightarrow \cr
& \Rightarrow \quad m\,x = n - \left( {\left\{ q \right\} - {1 \over 2}} \right) \cr
& \Rightarrow \quad m \, s_{\,0} = \left\lceil {\left\{ q \right\} - {1 \over 2}} \right\rceil
- \left( {\left\{ q \right\} - {1 \over 2}} \right) = \left( {{1 \over 2} - \left\{ q \right\}} \right)
- \left\lfloor {{1 \over 2} - \left\{ q \right\}} \right\rfloor = \cr
& = \left\{ {{1 \over 2} - q} \right\} \cr}
For the lower triangle we can simply replace $q$ with the negative of the intercept with $x=1/2$ , i.e.:
m\,s_{\,0} = \left\{ {{1 \over 2} + {m \over 2} + q} \right\}
Next we take the upper triangle and slant it as shown
where $$ \Delta y(x) = \left\{ {\matrix{ {{m \over {m - 1}}x} & {\left| {\;0 \le x < {1 \over 2}\left( {1 - {1 \over m}} \right)} \right.} \cr {m\left( {{1 \over 2} - x} \right)} & {\left| {\;{1 \over 2}\left( {1 - {1 \over m}} \right) \le x < {1 \over 2}} \right.} \cr } } \right. $$ so that we will compute $\Delta x$ as $ 1/m \, \Delta y$.
Finally, we are sampling the slanted triangle at points starting from $s_{\, 0}$ (which depends on $q$ and thus on $k$) and progressing with $\Delta s = 1/m$. $$ s(k,j) = s_{\,0} + {j \over m} = \left\{ {\matrix{ \matrix{ {1 \over m}\left\{ {{1 \over 2} - q} \right\} + {j \over m} = {{11} \over {719}}\left( {\left\{ {{1 \over 2} - {{15\left( {2k} \right)} \over {22}}} \right\} + j} \right) = \hfill \cr = {{11} \over {719}}\left( {\left\{ {{{11 - 8k} \over {22}}} \right\} + j} \right) = s_{\,u} (k,j) \hfill \cr} \hfill & {{\rm upper}\;{\rm Tr}{\rm .}} \hfill \cr \matrix{ {1 \over m}\left\{ {{1 \over 2} + {m \over 2} + q} \right\} + {j \over m} = {{11} \over {719}}\left( {\left\{ {{1 \over 2} + {{719} \over {22}} + {{15\left( {2k + 1} \right)} \over {22}}} \right\} + j} \right) = \hfill \cr = {{11} \over {719}}\left( {\left\{ {{{19 + 8k} \over {22}}} \right\} + j} \right) = s_{\,d} (k,j) \hfill \cr} \hfill & {{\rm lower}\;{\rm Tr}{\rm .}} \hfill \cr } } \right. $$
& {{11} \over {719}}\left( {\left\{ {{{11 - 8k} \over {22}}} \right\} + j} \right)
= {1 \over {2 \cdot 719}}\left( {22\left\{ {{{11 + 14k} \over {22}}} \right\} + 22j} \right) \cr
& 22\left\{ {{{11 + 14k} \over {22}}} \right\}\quad \Rightarrow \quad 11 + 14k
= 2n + 1\quad \left( {\bmod 22} \right)\quad \Rightarrow \cr
& \Rightarrow \quad 5 + 7k = n\quad \left( {\bmod 11} \right)\quad
\Rightarrow \quad 7k \equiv n + 5\quad \left( {\bmod 11} \right) \cr}
& {{11} \over {719}}\left( {\left\{ {{{19 + 8k} \over {22}}} \right\} + j} \right)
= {1 \over {2 \cdot 719}}\left( {22\left\{ {{{19 + 8k} \over {22}}} \right\} + 22j} \right) \cr
& 22\left\{ {{{19 + 8k} \over {22}}} \right\}\quad \Rightarrow \quad 19 + 8k
= 2n + 1\quad \left( {\bmod 22} \right)\quad \Rightarrow \cr
& \Rightarrow \quad 9 + 4k = n\quad \left( {\bmod 11} \right)\quad \Rightarrow
\quad 4k \equiv n + 2\quad \left( {\bmod 11} \right) \cr}
then the {Independent Residues theorem](
assures us that the the two relations above are bijections between
$$\left[ {0 \le k \le 10} \right] \Leftrightarrow \left[ {0 \le n \le 10} \right]$$
We have that the set of the sampling points are the same for both the triangles, and we can simply put
\left\{ \matrix{
s_u (n) = s_d (n) = {{2n + 1} \over {2 \cdot 719}} \hfill \cr
0 \le s(n) < {1 \over 2}\left( {1 - {1 \over m}} \right)
= {1 \over 2}\left( {{{708} \over {719}}} \right)\quad
\Rightarrow \quad 0 \le n \le 353 \hfill \cr
{1 \over 2}\left( {1 - {1 \over m}} \right) \le s(n) < {1 \over 2}\quad
\Rightarrow \quad 354 \le 2n \le 358 \hfill \cr} \right.
And finally obtain
& \overline P = {1 \over {11}}\sum\limits_s {\Delta x(s)}
= {1 \over {11m}}\sum\limits_s {\Delta y(s)}
= {2 \over {11m}}\sum\limits_{\,0 \le n \le 358} {\Delta y(s_u (n))} = \cr
& = 2\left( {{1 \over {708}}\sum\limits_{\,0 \le n \le 353} {{{2n + 1} \over {2 \cdot 719}}}
+ {1 \over {11}}\sum\limits_{\,354 \le n \le 358}
{\left( {{1 \over 2} - {{2n + 1} \over {2 \cdot 719}}} \right)} } \right) = \cr
& = {1 \over {719}}\left( {{1 \over {708}}\sum\limits_{\,0 \le n \le 353} {\left( {2n + 1} \right)}
+ {1 \over {11}}\sum\limits_{\,354 \le n \le 358} {\left( {718 - 2n} \right)} } \right) = \cr
& = {1 \over {719}}\left( {{{354 + 354 \cdot 353} \over {708}}
+ {{5 \cdot 718 - 2 \cdot 5 \cdot 356} \over {11}}} \right) = \cr
& = {1 \over {719}}\left( {{{354} \over 2} + {{30} \over {11}}} \right)
= {{1977} \over {7909}} = {1 \over 4}\left( {1 - {1 \over {7909}}} \right) \cr}