How to create a damaged item in Minecraft?

I need an item to have one durability and only break one block, so I need this command:

/give @p minecraft:wooden_axe{CanDestroy:["minecraft:dark_oak_planks"]} 1

to also spawn it with only one durability but I don't know how, thanks for your help (also I'm in 1.17.1)

/give @p wooden_axe{CanDestroy:["minecraft:dark_oak_planks"],Damage:58} 1

Note the number in bold, that states how much a tool has been used before. So if you want to change the wooden axe to a, let say iron axe, and iron axe has a default durability of 250, so you would write:

/give @p wooden_axe{CanDestroy:["minecraft:dark_oak_planks"],Damage:249} 1

The reason it is 249 is because it is one less than the default durability, which is 250.