mounting webdav as user (no sudo)

With FUSE it is possible to mount many things purely as a non privileged user. However, it seems that for webdav davfs2 is the preferred project, which appears to be a filesystem driver and uses the standard mount/umount which requires privileges.

Is there a way to use this (or another library) to mount webdav only as a user via fuse ? (i.e. so each user could mount a different webdav on a different server, without needing to configure anything in fstab etc).

Solution 1:

I was able to use wdfs to make it work as a non priv. user:

 wdfs <dav url> <mount point>

To unmount

fusermount -u <mount point>

wdfs is from here and uses fuse. I use Archlinux and this AUR package worked fine.

But current state of wdfs is unclear, there is a kind-of-fork lurking at gihub as well.

Solution 2:

As a starter answer.. I would suggest the following.

1) sshfs doesn't require access to the /etc/fstab, so if you can map your webdav users onto linux users with similar file structure, then that is a simple alternative.

Then you can use non-root syntax like this to mount within your local home directory;

sshfs -o ControlPath=none -o workaround=rename -o idmap=user \
-o nonempty -o reconnect -o transform_symlinks -o follow_symlinks"   \
[email protected]:/ $HOME/mnt/

2) gvfs/gio - Depending on your distro, /usr/libexec/gvfsd-dav might be an option, which should allow an alternative control syntax to mount the webdav filesystem under ~/.gvfs/

However the documentation is pretty rubbish, and I've only made a limited test of its functionality like so;

As root;

sudo yum install gvfs-fuse.x86_64

then as a user;

$ gvfs-mount dav://
Enter password for Authorization Realm
User: my.dav.username
Password: XXXXXX

$ cd ~/.gvfs/WebDAV\ on\

$ ls 

Solution 3:

If you have sudo rights but want to mount this the directory as a regular user you can use davfs and mount. Just adding this for completion if somebody searches for this answer like I did.

sudo apt-get install davfs2

mkdir myDir

sudo mount -t davfs -o uid=myUser -o gid=myUser /home/myUser/myDir/