Solution 1:

It seems like there isn't a one way road to solve this, but let's try do this.

  1. When the user first install the app get his/her primary email or all accounts on the device

  2. Ask the user what email will they be using for future payment/ or which account is active for google play.

    you can use this code to get the account

    Pattern emailPattern = Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS; // API level 8+
    Account[] accounts = AccountManager.get(context).getAccounts();
    for (Account account : accounts) {
        if (emailPattern.matcher( {
            String possibleEmail =;

    Don't forget to ask for permission

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />

    After the user selects the email, you can send a link via email to confirm this email address

  3. Lead all the payment to that specific email.

Method 2

Use the new "Send & Receive money using Gmail" future

  1. Create a email intent and send specific data to the email intent and make payments.

  2. Upon success, send a code to the user email

  3. Use the code to activate whatever purchased they make.

Method 3

Use another payment library or gateway for your in app purchase instead of Google play.