Chrome refresh right-click reload options not available

I'm trying to do a hard reload and empty cache in Chrome because a previously loaded site keeps coming up on the localhost port I'm using. Problem is the the right-click options seems to have stopped working, ie. nothing happens when I right-click on the refresh button and I can only left-click and reload the page normally. I had the option before so I know it's not the Chrome version I am using. It's pretty annoying. Anyone know what's happening here? Thanks in advance!

Solution 1:

Just figured out the basic reason for this - Developer Tools Console must be open to access right-click options on the browser refresh button. The easiest way I find to open Dev Tools in Chrome is to right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect.

I guess it is a feature mostly just for developers and the Chrome team doesn't want regular users accidentally clearing their cache!

Solution 2:

Press F12 to open the developer tools and then you can right-click the reload button, and you get three options - Reload, Hard Reload (redownloads images) and Empty Cache and Hard Reload.