how to test specific test class using phpunit in laravel

I want to test specific testClass in my project since there are a lot of test class that's failure and I just want to test one Class at a time.

I've created the test Class in following folder \test\repositories\ApplicationVersionFormat.php :

use App\Repositories\ApplicationVersionFormat;

class ApplicationVersionFormatTest extends \TestCase
  public function testValidFormat()
    $version = '1.2.3';
    $appVersion = new ApplicationVersionFormat();

  public function testInvalidFormat()
    $version = '11.2.3';
    $appVersion = new ApplicationVersionFormat();

  public function testInvalidFormat2()
    $version = '1.22.3';
    $appVersion = new ApplicationVersionFormat();

  public function testInvalidFormat3()
    $version = '1.2.33';
    $appVersion = new ApplicationVersionFormat();

  public function testInvalidFormat4()
    $version = '11.22.33';
    $appVersion = new ApplicationVersionFormat();

so I've tried this follwing command but none of this works :

  • phpunit "repositories\AppVersionTest". => Cannot open file "test/repositories/AppVersionTest.php"
  • phpunit "test\repositories\AppVersionTest". => Cannot open file "test/repositories/AppVersionTest.php"
  • phpunit --filter "repositories\AppVersionTest". => No tests executed!
  • phpunit --testsuite "repositories\AppVersionTest". => No tests executed!

any help? thanks

After trying several ways, I found out that I don't need to include the folder to test the specific test class. This works for me it runs all the test on the class:

phpunit --filter ApplicationVersionFormatTest

I think it's because my ApplicationVersionFormatTest extend The TestCase and return application instance which serves as the "glue" for all the components of Laravel.

for run phpunit test in laravel by many ways ..

vendor/bin/phpunit --filter methodName className pathTofile.php

vendor/bin/phpunit --filter 'namespace\\directoryName\\className::methodName'

for test single class:

vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Feature/UserTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit --filter  tests/Feature/UserTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit --filter 'Tests\\Feature\\UserTest'
vendor/bin/phpunit --filter 'UserTest' 

for test single method:

 vendor/bin/phpunit --filter testExample 
 vendor/bin/phpunit --filter 'Tests\\Feature\\UserTest::testExample'
 vendor/bin/phpunit --filter testExample UserTest tests/Feature/UserTest.php

for run tests from all class within namespace:

vendor/bin/phpunit --filter 'Tests\\Feature'

for more way run test see more

To do the same thing using artisan run:

php artisan test --filter ApplicationVersionFormatTest

You can probably manage that with this answer to a related question.

Just mark the class with @group annotation and run PHPUnit with --group <group_name>


Your command with --filter is not complete. Try this: phpunit --filter AppVersionTest "repositories\ApplicationVersionFormat.php"