Is "Slash/Crush" damage equivalent to "Slash or Crush" damage?

In Pillars of Eternity (the first one, PC via Steam, all DLCs owned but playing the vanilla game), one of the loading screen tips includes the following useful information:

Any weapon that lists a damage type like "Slash or Crush" will do whatever damage type is more advantageous, usually whatever type the target is most vulnerable to.

The loading screen displaying the previously quoted text hint

This is an extremely helpful bit of advice ... except I've never seen any weapon show their damage as "slash or crush". However what I have seen is weapons indicating that their damage is "slash/crash".

Here is an example of a weapon, the unique great sword "Justice", which has "Slash/Pierce" damage. I've got both the weapon details and the popup description visible in this screenshot snippet. Both show that the weapon damage is listed as "19-27 Slash/Pierce Damage".

A weapon that has 'slash/pierce' damage

Are these weapons that show multiple damage types separated by the / character the ones that the loading screen tip were referring to? That is, does the weapon with "slash/pierce" damage displayed here do either slash or pierce, whichever the enemy has lower defenses against? Or does the "/" mean something else ("and"?) and the loading screen tip is referring to a different set of weapons?

Yes. The slash is effectively an “Or”. The weapon will do whichever of the two types is more advantageous. The comma seperated 10% as crush, is additional, rather than alternative or replacement however.