Why is a public const method not called when the non-const one is private?

Solution 1:

When you call a.foo();, the compiler goes through overload resolution to find the best function to use. When it builds the overload set it finds

void foo() const


void foo()

Now, since a is not const, the non-const version is the best match, so the compiler picks void foo(). Then the access restrictions are put in place and you get a compiler error, since void foo() is private.

Remember, in overload resolution it is not 'find the best usable function'. It is 'find the best function and try to use it'. If it can't because of access restrictions or being deleted, then you get a compiler error.

In other words why does overload resolution comes before access control?

Well, let's look at:

struct Base
    void foo() { std::cout << "Base\n"; }

struct Derived : Base
    void foo() { std::cout << "Derived\n"; }

struct Foo
    void foo(Base * b) { b->foo(); }
    void foo(Derived * d) { d->foo(); }

int main()
    Derived d;
    Foo f;

Now let's say that I did not actually mean to make void foo(Derived * d) private. If access control came first then this program would compile and run and Base would be printed. This could be very hard to track down in a large code base. Since access control comes after overload resolution I get a nice compiler error telling me the function I want it to call cannot be called, and I can find the bug a lot easier.

Solution 2:

Ultimately this comes down to the assertion in the standard that accessibility should not be taken into consideration when performing overload resolution. This assertion may be found in [over.match] clause 3:

... When overload resolution succeeds, and the best viable function is not accessible (Clause [class.access]) in the context in which it is used, the program is ill-formed.

and also the Note in clause 1 of the same section:

[ Note: The function selected by overload resolution is not guaranteed to be appropriate for the context. Other restrictions, such as the accessibility of the function, can make its use in the calling context ill-formed. — end note ]

As for why, I can think of a couple of possible motivations:

  1. It prevents unexpected changes of behaviour as a result of changing the accessibility of an overload candidate (instead, a compile error will occur).
  2. It removes context-dependence from the overload resolution process (i.e. overload resolution would have the same result whether inside or outside the class).

Solution 3:

Suppose access control came before overload resolution. Effectively, this would mean that public/protected/private controlled visibility rather than accessibility.

Section 2.10 of Design and Evolution of C++ by Stroustrup has a passage on this where he discusses the following example

int a; // global a

class X {
    int a; // member X::a

class XX : public X {
    void f() { a = 1; } // which a?

Stroustrup mentions that a benefit of the current rules (visibility before accessibility) is that (temporarily) chaning the private inside class X into public (e.g. for the purposes of debugging) is that there is no quiet change in the meaning of the above program (i.e. X::a is attempted to be accessed in both cases, which gives an access error in the above example). If public/protected/private would control visibility, the meaning of the program would change (global a would be called with private, otherwise X::a).

He then states that he does not recall whether it was by explicit design or a side effect of the preprocessor technology used to implement the C with Classess predecessor to Standard C++.

How is this related to your example? Basically because the Standard made overload resolution conform to the general rule that name lookup comes before access control.

10.2 Member name lookup [class.member.lookup]

1 Member name lookup determines the meaning of a name (id-expression) in a class scope (3.3.7). Name lookup can result in an ambiguity, in which case the program is ill-formed. For an id-expression, name lookup begins in the class scope of this; for a qualified-id, name lookup begins in the scope of the nestedname- specifier. Name lookup takes place before access control (3.4, Clause 11).

8 If the name of an overloaded function is unambiguously found, overloading resolution (13.3) also takes place before access control. Ambiguities can often be resolved by qualifying a name with its class name.

Solution 4:

Since the implicit this pointer is non-const, the compiler will first check for the presence of a non-const version of the function before a const version.

If you explicitly mark the non-const one private then the resolution will fail, and the compiler will not continue searching.