How do I replace the water in a 128 x 108 blocks sea base?

I’m making a sea base in creative and it’s absolutely massive. 108 x 128 blocks. I’ve tried using /fill command but it says the area is too big.

Is there anything else I can do besides sponges? I’m on console so no WorldEdit either.

Solution 1:

use this command:

/fill <coordinate1> <coordinate2> <block> <action>
/fill <<x1> <y1> <z1>> <<x2> <y2> <z2>> <block> <action>
  • use for x1, y1, z1 the coordinates of one block
  • use for x2, y2, z2 the coordinates of a second block diagonaly from the first
  • set in as block 'air' or 'water' what you want

That would be something like that:

/fill 100 20 100 500 80 500 air

if it gives an error that the volume is more than 32 768 block, you have to split the area in multiple subareas to use the command

please give a feedback if it works or not and please mark the answer as solved to help others

Have a great day!