Does using the Walkie-talkie (general chat) attract the Ghost?

With the new haunts, you cannot have you flashlight out (or any electronics) during a haunt, because it will attract the ghost to you.

So when playing, I started just doing small bursts of the walkie talkie, and if I hear some static, I know it's still haunting.

But thing is, does it attract ghosts to you? You are using an electrical device by doing that. Or, more importantly, if I do it and the ghost is close to one of my teammates, can it attract it to him?

I guess it didn't before, but with an update pushed today, now it does.

Using the walkie-talkie will now attract the ghost during hunts

With how its written, and I would guess to prevent trolling, that only affects the one turning on their walkie and not those who receive it.

EDIT: Just checked with the Phasmo discord and a moderator confirmed my guess.