Minecraft LAN world not being detected by a MacBook Air

We have 3 laptops, a Windows 10, a MacBook Pro (2020), and a MacBook Air Mid-2014 Both Macs in Big Sur. The problem here is that when the Mac Air hosts the LAN game everyone else can see it, but if the other two try, Mac Air can't see it. The windows and Mac Pro can see each other so the problem is in Mac Air. Also they can ping each other using cmd or terminal 'ping ip'.

I have tried using -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true in the JVM arguments with no success and all firewalls are disabled. Both Mac don't have java installed and they are using the one installed in the launcher (I tried by installing Java 6, 7, 8 and JDK14 before formatting the laptop since I had a lot of trash and could even be a solution)

I know about the direct connect but it is annoying having to type it and the port every time since we keep switching versions to play survival and pvp

Any Ideas? I have tried using other solutions for other similar cases but they are very little and they didn't work.

This is a common bug, the solution is to connect to the other device via the local IP and the port that is put in chat when the game is open to LAN. the server IP should look something like 192.168.0.:. The adress can be found in the Mac networking settings.