Using "have ran" or "have run"

It appears to be just a grammatical error as suggested by the following source and as shown also in Ngram

  • The past participle is run. I have run into resistance every time I’ve tried to solve the problem. She has run from her responsibilities.

  • Regarding the problem that arises when forming the past participle, some people mistakenly use the past tense ran instead of the correct past participle run, as in I have ran into resistance every time I’ve tried to resolve this problem or She has ran from her responsibilities.

  • (I’ve also heard some people make the same mistake when forming a sentence in the past perfect tense, as in I had ran them down before they left the office, which should be I had run them down…) Do yourself a favor: Run as far from these constructions as possible—and don’t look back.


According to Wiktionary "ran" is also:

  • (nonstandard, dialectal) past participle of run