Is there software that can determine whether I speak with a neutral accent?

Solution 1:

Which specific accent are you looking to improve?

Like this website illustrates, there are many of them!

provide an overview of the variety of the sounds of the English language on various levels:

  • in time, with our transcriptions of historical ancestor forms of English, from present-day back to Late Modern English, Early Modern, Middle and Old English, as far back even as Proto-Germanic;
  • over geographical space;
  • by sociolinguistic context.

That being said, you can try some online resources:

  • acapela-group: its Text to Speech Demo allows you to listen to a small selection of different accents.

Solution 2:

Livemocha is a platform to study foreign languages. For its spoken language module you record yourself speaking and other users on the site provide feedback.

Solution 3:

There is no such thing, in English, as a neutral accent. Every accent gives some idea about the person speaking. Even so called 'neutral accents' do so too. Really all you should wish to do is either polish off some of the rougher edges of your own accent or choose a new accent that you like, one that you think is beautiful or reflects your character, and try to practice it.

In the past I have tried out some computerised speech tutors with my students. In general I have been unimpressed by the methods or results.