Weather from terminal

Solution 1:

Simply enter the following in a terminal:


And will get your location from /etc/timezone. Otherwise curl For example, for Tehran:


Which gives you:

Sample output

You can also compare two cities:

diff -Naur <(curl -s ) <(curl -s )

Source code of developer is available on Github.

Solution 2:

Search for your city at and replace the URL in the following script with the URL for your city:



wget -q -O- "$URL" | awk -F\' '/acm_RecentLocationsCarousel\.push/{print $2": "$16", "$12"°" }'| head -1

Sample output:

Berlin, Germany: Foggy, 1°

Solution 3:

Here's a great semi-graphical command line utility written in Go:

You'll need to install Go and setup some API stuff, but the instructions are there. Here's a sample pic:

enter image description here

Solution 4:

I have got one more way .

Open your .bashrc file and then paste this code at the bottom

weather(){ curl -s "${@:-<YOURZIPORLOCATION>}"|perl -ne '/<title>([^<]+)/&&printf "%s: ",$1;/<fcttext>([^<]+)/&&print $1,"\n"';}

Then save & close your .bashrc file.

now type bash to update the file.

then type

weather <location name>

for example

august@august-OEM:~$ weather guntur
December 14, 2013: Clear. High 31&amp;deg;C (87&amp;deg;F). Winds 0 kph North
December 15, 2013: Clear. High 29&amp;deg;C (84&amp;deg;F). Winds 10 kph NNW
December 16, 2013: Clear. High 31&amp;deg;C (87&amp;deg;F). Winds 10 kph North
December 17, 2013: Clear. High 29&amp;deg;C (84&amp;deg;F). Winds 7 kph ENE
December 18, 2013: Scattered Clouds. High 29&amp;deg;C (84&amp;deg;F). Winds 3 kph ENE
December 19, 2013: Scattered Clouds. High 29&amp;deg;C (84&amp;deg;F). Winds 3 kph ENE

Solution 5:


AnsiWeather is a Shell script for displaying the current weather conditions in your terminal, with support for ANSI colors and Unicode symbols. Weather data comes from the OpenWeatherMap free weather API.

sudo apt-get install ansiweather
ansiweather -l London,GB -f 3
London forecast => Sat Jan 13: 7/2 °C ☔ - Sun Jan 14: 4/1 °C ☔ - Mon Jan 15: 9/6 °C ☔