Chrome freeze very frequently with ubuntu 16.04

I am using chrome Version 50.0.2661.94 (64-bit) and ubuntu 16.04. Most of the time chrome get stuck and hangs whole system.

Does anyone face the same issue?

Yeah, I faced the same issue. After a long struggle I solved it.
It's to do with the high memory(RAM) usage by Chrome.

  1. Disable hardware acceleration in chrome settings


    • Type "chrome://settings" in the URL bar, and then click "Advanced"
    • Untick "use hardware acceleration when available"

enter image description here

  1. Disable GPU Rasterization

    • Go to "chrome://flags"
    • Disable "GPU Rasterization"

      enter image description here

  2. Check how Chrome uses memory (Shift + Escape) (OPTIONAL)
    Extensions uses more memory too. If you find high memory usage in extensions (Adblockers are memory hogs), remove them too. That would help.

These would reduce the memory usage significantly.

How about disabling GPU hardware acceleration ?

If you run Chrome with "--disable-gpu" from within a terminal :

google-chrome --disable-gpu

Did you try that trick ?

If it runs ok, you may then persist that behavior by going to Chrome's settings / "System", uncheck the "use hardware acceleration when available", and restart afterwards.

I have a Nvidia GPU and I use version 16.04 stable. Before I have irreversible freezes about every 3-4 hours, even without using Chrome. After I installed the Nvidia 358.16 drivers, everything seems to go ok.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-358 nvidia-settings

It was the same here yesterday, when I added a swap partition and the problem was gone. I don't want a swap partition but what the heck I guess I will just have to get over those 8gigs of drive space :)