Solution 1:

Another alternative would be to declare a struct to hold all your functions, and then define your functions statically. Then you'd only have to worry about name conflicts for the global name struct.

// foo.h
#ifndef FOO_H
#define FOO_H
typedef struct { 
  int (* const bar)(int, char *);
  void (* const baz)(void);
} namespace_struct;
extern namespace_struct const foo;
#endif // FOO_H

// foo.c
#include "foo.h"
static int my_bar(int a, char * s) { /* ... */ }
static void my_baz(void) { /* ... */ }
namespace_struct const foo = { my_bar, my_baz }

// main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "foo.h"
int main(void) {
  printf("%d",, "hello"));
  return 0;

In the above example, my_bar and my_baz can't be called directly from main.c, only through foo.

If you have a bunch of namespaces that declare functions with the same signatures, then you can standardize your namespace struct for that set, and choose which namespace to use at runtime.

// goo.h
#ifndef GOO_H
#define GOO_H
#include "foo.h"
extern namespace_struct const goo;
#endif // GOO_H

// goo.c
#include "goo.h"
static int my_bar(int a, char * s) { /* ... */ }
static void my_baz(void) { /* ... */ }
namespace_struct const goo = { my_bar, my_baz };

// other_main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "foo.h"
#include "goo.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  namespace_struct const * const xoo = (argc > 1 ? foo : goo);
  printf("%d", xoo->bar(3, "hello"));
  return 0;

The multiple definitions of my_bar and my_baz don't conflict, since they're defined statically, but the underlying functions are still accessible through the appropriate namespace struct.

Solution 2:

When using namespace prefixes, I normally add macros for the shortened names which can be activated via #define NAMESPACE_SHORT_NAMES before inclusion of the header. A header foobar.h might look like this:

// inclusion guard
#ifndef FOOBAR_H_
#define FOOBAR_H_

// long names
void foobar_some_func(int);
void foobar_other_func();

// short names
#define some_func(...) foobar_some_func(__VA_ARGS__)
#define other_func(...) foobar_other_func(__VA_ARGS__)


If I want to use short names in an including file, I'll do

#include "foobar.h"

I find this a cleaner and more useful solution than using namespace macros as described by Vinko Vrsalovic (in the comments).

Solution 3:

You could use the ## operator:

#define FUN_NAME(namespace,name) namespace ## name

and declare functions as:

void FUN_NAME(MyNamespace,HelloWorld)()

Looks pretty awkward though.

Solution 4:

I use the struct-based approach, with two refinements: I add substructures to create hierarchical namespaces, and I define some simple macros when I want to simplify namespaces' path.

Let's take a Foobar library as an example.


#ifndef __FOOBAR_H__
#define __FOOBAR_H__

// definition of the namespace's hierarchical structure
struct _foobar_namespace {
    struct {
        void (*print)(char *s);
    } text;
    struct {
        char *(*getDateString)(void);
    } date;

// see the foobar.c file
// it must be the only one defining the FOOBAR macro
# ifndef FOOBAR
    // definition of the namespace global variable
    extern struct _foobar_namespace foobar;
# endif // FOOBAR

#endif // __FOOBAR_H__


// the FOOBAR macro is needed to avoid the
// extern foobar variable declaration
#define FOOBAR

#include "foobar.h"
#include "foobar_text.h"
#include "foobar_date.h"

// creation of the namespace global variable
struct _foobar_namespace foobar = {
    .text = {
        .print = foobar_text__print
    .date = {
        .getDateString = foobar_date__getDateString

Then, it's possible to use the namespace:

#include "foobar.h"

void main() {
    foobar.text.print("it works");

But there is not so much difference between foobar_text__print() and foobar.text.print(). I think the second one is more readable, but it's questionable. So it become really useful by defining some macros to simplify these namespaces:

#include "foobar.h"

#define txt    foobar.text
#define date

void main() {
    char *today = date.getDateString();

This kind of hierarchical namespaces is fast to define, easy to understand, and decrease code verbosity.

Just for fun, here are the files for foobar.text code:


#ifndef __FOOBAR_TEXT_H__
#define __FOOBAR_TEXT_H__

void foobar_text__print(char *s);

#endif // __FOOBAR_TEXT_H__


#include <stdio.h>
#include "foobar_text.h"

void foobar_text__print(char *s) {
    printf("%s\n", s);

Solution 5:

I came up with the following scheme :


// NS_PREFIX controls the prefix of each type and function declared in this
// header, in order to avoid name collision.
#define NS_PREFIX myprefix_

// Makes a string from argument (argument is not macro-expanded).
#define stringify(arg) #arg

// Concatenation that macro-expands its arguments.
#define concat(p1, p2) _concat(p1, p2) // Macro expands the arguments.
#define _concat(p1, p2) p1 ## p2       // Do the actual concatenation.

// Append the namespace prefix to the identifier.
#define ns(iden) concat(NS_PREFIX, iden)

// header content, for instance :
void ns(my_function)(int arg1, ns(t) arg2, int arg3);

// Allow implementation files to use namespacing features, else
// hide them from the including files.
#ifndef _IMPL
#undef NS_PREFIX
#undef ns
#undef stringify
#undef concat
#undef _concat
#endif // _IMPL


#define  _IMPL 
#include "header.h"
#undef   __IMPL