Toggle mouselook in Final Fantasy XIV

  1. Install AutoHotkey.
  2. Create a file named ff14.ahk with this content:
SetTitleMatchMode, 3


; Left Control switch

RmbHold := false
  RmbHold := !RmbHold
  if RmbHold {
      send {RButton down}
  } else {
      send {RButton up}

; Mapping RMB to the controller A/X for easier interaction without a mouse cursor on screen

  if RmbHold {
      send {G}
  } else {
      send {RButton down}

RButton Up::
  if !RmbHold {
      send {RButton up}

; Automatically turn off the RMB-holding on Alt-Tab to avoid messing up other applications

  if RmbHold {
      RmbHold := false
      send {RButton up}    
  send {Alt down}{Tab}

!Tab Up::
  send {Alt up}
  1. In FF, go to 'System - Keybinds - Gamepad - X Button' (or 'A Button' for Xbox gamepad) and bind it to PgDn (page down key).
  2. Keep ff14.ahk running while you're playing FF.

Now, when in-game:

  1. Pressing Ctrl ingame will toggle between mouselook and having the cursor on the screen, and
  2. Pressing RMB will act like the gamepad's 'X', that is:
    • If you don't have a target selected it will select what's in front of you - both an enemy, a neutral NPC, an interactable world object, etc.
    • If you got a target selected and it's an enemy, it will start autoattacking.
    • If it's an interactable object/NPC it will interact with it.
    • If you're in a dialogue it will skip the current dialogue line.