Which house / safe storage chest is closest to a fast travel destination?

In Skyrim, what house or safe storage chest is the closest in travel time from a fast travel location? Preferably there should be no loading screens between the fast travel location and a chest to dump stuff.

I am currently using the Riverside Shack south of Windhelm which is reasonable close though still annoying for lack of containers and drafts. (And may not be safe.)

Note: The place doesn't need to be free, I've quite a bit of money. I'm looking for the overall most efficient / fast access house.

I really don't see how you can beat Breezehome in Whiterun for the combination of features and time.

While there is a loading screen, it's extremely fast even on my slow laptop (which is below the minimum specs for Skyrim in several ways) and it's just a few steps from the fast travel location.

There are two sacks on the shelf right by the door you can reach without moving once inside.

There are plenty of other containers for sorted, more long term storage. You can get the "Well Rested" buff instead of just "Rested" since you actually own the bed.

It's definitely the most convenient of the purchasable houses.

Anise's Cabin or the supply chest in front of High Hrothgar provide the most convenient storage in the game. Fast travel directly to them, no loading screens at all. Both are free. Anise's cabin includes an enchanter and alchemy table.

Best house IMO is Hjerim. I wouldn't get this house until you are at about mid level range. Its the second most expensive house in the game but has more storage and features then the Solitude house that is the most expensive.

Features: 5 book shelves -- 1 four tier and 4 two tier. 7 display cases -- 4 dagger cases and 3 large cases 3 mannequins 9 weapons plaques Enchant and potion stations 1 weapons rack 1 chest Extremely well stocked house when all upgrades are purchased.

There are tons of misc shelves and containers to store and display all of your stuff. If you fast travel to Palace Of Kings in Windhelm its just a one load screen and a quick jog to the west of the spawn location. I like this area as the alchemist, blacksmith, and misc booths for selling/buying are all in one location close by. Hope this helped.