What does this line mean?

Solution 1:

What is its significance for the enrichment of your knowledge and skills in your chosen course?

Damn. The author of this sentence seems to be struggling with English as well. That looks like it's just a complicated way of saying: "how does it improve your knowledge and skills". I don't know what "chosen course" means in this case - some more context might help.

Solution 2:

What is its significance for the enrichment of your knowledge and skills in your chosen course?

Lets try some simplifying this sentence to extract some meaning.

"Knowledge and Skill in your chosen course" can be equated to how well you would perform in a course of study which you have chosen.

"The enrichment of ..." means "the improvement of ..." in relation to education.

"What is the significacance for ..." possibly should of been written "What is the significance of ...", which makes more sense. This can also be express as "Why is ... important".

So, to re-write the sencence:

Why is improving your knowledge and skills in your chosen course important?