Add property to an array of objects

Solution 1:

or use map> ({ ...obj, Active: 'false' }))

Edited to reflect comment by @adrianolsk to not mutate the original and instead return a new object for each.

Read the spec

Solution 2:

You can use the forEach method to execute a provided function once for each element in the array. In this provided function you can add the Active property to the element.

Results.forEach(function (element) {
  element.Active = "false";

Solution 3:

I came up against this problem too, and in trying to solve it I kept crashing the chrome tab that was running my app. It looks like the spread operator for objects was the culprit.

With a little help from adrianolsk’s comment and sidonaldson's answer above, I used Object.assign() the output of the spread operator from babel, like so: => {
  // New properties to be added
  const newPropsObj = {

  // Assign new properties and return
  return Object.assign(option, newPropsObj);

Solution 4:

With ES6 you can simply do:

 for(const element of Results) {
      element.Active = "false";