Does the phrase "derogatory rules" have a different meaning in setting drug prices for governments?

Solution 1:

The document uses a different sense of the word. A hint is the appearance of the word "derogation" elsewhere in the text, a term not common in everyday English, but rather a bit of "spec speech". Of the two definitions, the first one seems most applicable.

derogation: 1 An exemption from or relaxation of a rule or law.

The same online dictionary does not give a definition of derogatory in the same sense, but rather only offers one definition.

derogatory Showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.

Given that this is a formal/legal document, and one intended to be translated into several languages, it's not unexpected that certain terms like "derogation" and "derogatory" would have established meanings that differ from "everyday" speech. In this case "derogatory" means "causing exemption", or something of that nature.

Solution 2:

I'm going to assume it's a French calque. In French, déroger can mean to modify, repeal, or create an exception to a law. A derogatory procedure might be referred to as an exception, exclusion, waiver, or special provision in more idiomatic English.

Basically it is saying that the commenters want a possible exception to the general policy to be clearly outlined so that it's not turned into a loophole.