What do you call a person who is different from the people in his community

When we look at a particular community we have a sort of opinion about the people of that community . There are sevaral things which sort of generalise people from a community or caste like whether they are introverts,extroverts,fun loving,drink too much, high on life and even their skin tone etc.What do you call a person who is different from the people in his community ?

Outlier covers your request well, and I'd argue it's not (yet?) considered a pejorative.

It's commonly used in statistics to describe a data point outside the norm, but it also can describe people who because of location, physical differences, beliefs, or other traits would be considered different from the rest of the group that they are in.

http://www.dictionary.com/browse/outlier defs 1 and 2

You may be served by the word nonconformist.

2 A person who does not conform to prevailing ideas or practices in their behaviour or views.
‘Jenkins was a nonconformist who disdained the rugby union coaching certificate’
‘she was a nonconformist, an individualist’

(To address WS2'comment: Note that dissenter is a separate, different meaning of the same word.)
