Specific Word Request For a Word Similar To Narcissist

Sample sentence: "I'm no narcissist, young lady. I am a _____" (something like that. A title or name of a state of mind.)

Despite my search for this word through book thesauruses and google's version i have not found a word that fits the criteria i have in place.

Description of the desired word: Much like a narcissist does, this person feels superior to everyone else and tends to look down on people. But, unlike a narcissist, this person has no desire of special treatment, power over people, or even recognition. And, this person does not think that they are superior due to a lack of flaws. They think they are better only relatively, much like a RC car without batteries is better than an RC car without wheels.

(If you do not have a word that matches or a method for me to find it, don't stress. I am, more or less, sure this word does not exist. At least in English.)

Solution 1:

Sounds very close to a misanthrope:

A person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society. (Oxford Dictionaries)

Now, the definition doesn't require a sense of superiority—a misanthrope might be just as self-loathing as other-loathing—but in practical application the misanthrope often seems to exclude him- or herself from the general hate-fest, at least to some degree. Compare, for example, the famous misanthropic quote by Samuel Johnson:

“I hate mankind, for I think myself one of the best of them, and I know how bad I am.” (Quoted in The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. By James Boswell, 1826)

Unlike your typical egotist or narcissist, however, a misanthrope with a superiority-complex is unlikely to seek out “special treatment, power over people, or even recognition” because that would require contact with people. In fact, Molière's Alceste, the original Misanthrope, decides that because he is (or maybe so that he can be) superior to the lying liars all around him, he must shun all human contact:

Grayed on all sides, crushed by injustice, I leave a pit where vices triumph, to seek somewhere on earth a lonely spot where I am free to be a man of honor. (The Misanthrope, Act V, Scene VIII)

So you could say

I'm no narcissist, young lady. I am a misanthrope.

Solution 2:

Snob Definition 3b https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/snob: one who has an offensive air of superiority in matters of knowledge or taste

This may answer your specification this person feels superior to everyone else and tends to look down on people....this person has no desire of special treatment, power over people, or even recognition

Solution 3:

I'm no narcissist, lady. I'm a realist.

Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

Solution 4:

This term isn't exactly correct, however, it is one of the few terms that cast a positive light on one that believes they are better.

noblesse oblige at Google search result (differs from usual Oxford reference) phrase of noblesse

1. the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged.

"there was to being a celebrity a certain element of noblesse oblige"

Also, while it might sound counter-intuitive, a true "noble" might also be a noble person of the best sense.

Definition of noble -- Merriam-Webster

1a : possessing outstanding qualities : illustrious was a noble king

1b : famous, notable noble deeds

2 : of high birth or exalted rank : aristocratic

… my sire is of a noble line … — Samuel Taylor Coleridge noble families

5 : possessing, characterized by, or arising from superiority of mind or character or of ideals or morals : lofty a noble ambition a noble cause