How to invoke pandas.rolling.apply with parameters from multiple column?

Solution 1:

Define your own roll

We can create a function that takes a window size argument w and any other keyword arguments. We use this to build a new DataFrame in which we will call groupby on while passing on the keyword arguments via kwargs.

Note: I didn't have to use stride_tricks.as_strided but it is succinct and in my opinion appropriate.
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided as stride
import pandas as pd

def roll(df, w, **kwargs):
    v = df.values
    d0, d1 = v.shape
    s0, s1 = v.strides

    a = stride(v, (d0 - (w - 1), w, d1), (s0, s0, s1))

    rolled_df = pd.concat({
        row: pd.DataFrame(values, columns=df.columns)
        for row, values in zip(df.index, a)

    return rolled_df.groupby(level=0, **kwargs)

roll(df, 2).mean()

       Open      High       Low    Close
0  133.0350  133.2975  132.8250  132.930
1  132.9325  133.1200  132.6750  132.745
2  132.7425  132.8875  132.6075  132.710
3  132.7075  132.7875  132.6000  132.720

We can also use the pandas.DataFrame.pipe method to the same effect:

df.pipe(roll, w=2).mean()


Panel has been deprecated. See above for updated answer.


define our own roll

def roll(df, w, **kwargs):
    roll_array = np.dstack([df.values[i:i+w, :] for i in range(len(df.index) - w + 1)]).T
    panel = pd.Panel(roll_array, 
                     minor_axis=pd.Index(range(w), name='roll'))
    return panel.to_frame().unstack().T.groupby(level=0, **kwargs)

you should be able to:

roll(df, 2).apply(your_function)

Using mean

roll(df, 2).mean()

major      Open      High       Low    Close
1      133.0350  133.2975  132.8250  132.930
2      132.9325  133.1200  132.6750  132.745
3      132.7425  132.8875  132.6075  132.710
4      132.7075  132.7875  132.6000  132.720

f = lambda df: df.sum(1)

roll(df, 2, group_keys=False).apply(f)

1  0       532.345
   1       531.830
2  0       531.830
   1       531.115
3  0       531.115
   1       530.780
4  0       530.780
   1       530.850
dtype: float64

Solution 2:

As your rolling window is not too large, I think you can also put them in the same dataframe then use the apply function to reduce.

For example, with the dataset df as following

            Open    High        Low     Close
2017-11-07  258.97  259.3500    258.09  258.67
2017-11-08  258.47  259.2200    258.15  259.11
2017-11-09  257.73  258.3900    256.36  258.17
2017-11-10  257.73  258.2926    257.37  258.09
2017-11-13  257.31  258.5900    257.27  258.33

You can just add the rolling data to this dataframe with

window = 2
df1 = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index)
for i in range(window):
    df_shifted = df.shift(i).copy()
    df_shifted.columns = ["{}-{}".format(s, i) for s in df.columns]
    df1 = df1.join(df_shifted)

           Open-0   High-0      Low-0   Close-0 Open-1  High-1      Low-1   Close-1
2017-11-07  258.97  259.3500    258.09  258.67  NaN     NaN         NaN     NaN
2017-11-08  258.47  259.2200    258.15  259.11  258.97  259.3500    258.09  258.67
2017-11-09  257.73  258.3900    256.36  258.17  258.47  259.2200    258.15  259.11
2017-11-10  257.73  258.2926    257.37  258.09  257.73  258.3900    256.36  258.17
2017-11-13  257.31  258.5900    257.27  258.33  257.73  258.2926    257.37  258.09

Then you can make an apply on it easily with all the rolling data you want with

df1.apply(AccumulativeSwingIndex, axis=1)

Solution 3:

Here's a workaround I came up with:

df['new_col'] = list(map(fn, df.rolling(2)))