HTML5 Form Input Pattern Currency Format

The best we could come up with is this:


I realize it might seem too much, but as far as I can test it matches anything that a human eye would accept as valid currency value and weeds out everything else.

It matches these:

1 => true
1.00 => true
$1 => true
$1000 => true
0.1 => true
1,000.00 => true
$1,000,000 => true
5678 => true

And weeds out these:

1.001 => false
02.0 => false
22,42 => false
001 => false => false
, => false
.55 => false
2000,000 => false

If you want to allow a comma delimiter which will pass the following test cases:

0,00  => true
0.00  => true
01,00 => true
01.00 => true
0.000 => false
0-01  => false

then use this:


How about :


This matches one or more digits, a dot and 2 digits after the dot.

To match also comma as thousands delimiter :


Another answer for this would be


This will match a string of:

  • one or more numbers with out the decimal place (\d+)
  • any number of commas each of which must be followed by 3 numbers and have upto 3 numbers before it (\d{1,3})(\,\d{3}|)*

Each or which can have a decimal place which must be followed by 2 numbers (.\d{2}|)