ZSH issue with colorized prompt and double slash, i.e "//" appearing when I am into root
I am faced to a problem of appearing slash / appearing double slash
into PS1
when I am located on root /
I explain more precisely, I have in .zshrc
slash_color () { dirs | awk -F "/" ' {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {printf "\033[38;5;75m"$i"\033[38;5;206m" "/"}} '; }
PS1='%F{13}|%F{green}%n@%F{cyan}%m%F{13}|%f%T%F{13}|$(slash_color)%F{13}|%F{7} '
The goal was to colorize each slash of the current PATH.
This way, when I go to a deeper directory, I get :
But a problem remains when I do : $ cd /
, I get the following result, i.e a double slash representing the current path and I don't know to handle this to have only a single path :
If someone could help me to get only one slash when I am located on root, i.e /
Solution 1:
- How to make path prompt easier to read by color-coding each `/` (forward slash)?
Change the for loop from
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) \
printf blue $i pink "/"; \
printf "\n"
for (i=1; i<NF; i++) \
printf blue $i pink "/"; \
printf blue $NF pink; \
printf "\n"
- notice the change in
- Take care of semi-colons.
or use some help from searching to get an if else condition for which the pseudocode (not correct bash syntax) is:
for all i<=NF:
if (i<NF):
printf blue $i pink "/" ;
printf blue $i pink ;
printf "\n";