Word meaning "of or relating to trains"

According to Dictionary.com the word nautical means:

of or relating to sailors, ships, or navigation

Is there a single word that might mean something similar to "of or relating to train operators, trains, or railroads"?


  1. I want a nautical themed room.

  2. I want a [train] themed room.

Solution 1:

The best fit is locomotive.

As an adjective (from dictionary.com):

of or relating to locomotives.

Where as a noun:

a self-propelled, vehicular engine, powered by steam, a diesel, or electricity, for pulling or, sometimes, pushing a train or individual railroad cars.

'Locomotive' can have a broader meaning relating to other forms of transport though so it may not always be specific enough.

Solution 2:

You might try ferroequinological.

From Merriam-Webster:


: railfan

Origin and Etymology of ferroequinologist

ferroequino- “iron horse ” (from ferro- + equino-, from Latin equinus equine + -logy + -ist

Solution 3:

Train. Rail. Railway. I want a train-themed room. I want a rail-themed room. I want a railway-themed room.

Solution 4:

I'm not aware of any direct equivalent of "nautical" for railways. However, in the context of "A _____-themed room", there is nothing wrong with using a noun. "A train/railway/railroad-themed room" is the natural way of expressing the concept you're looking for. In general, when you need an adjective, a noun will do just fine: there's nothing wrong with talking about, say, "a football book" and the same goes for train/railway/railroad.