How do I download the free Swift Programming Language book (Swift 5 Edition) from the Apple Books Store?

I'm wondering how to download The Swift Programming Language Book (Swift 5 Edition) from the Apple Books Store?

Easy using iPad or iPhone, but I'd really like to use the download on an alternate machine (Program on Mac, reference on nearby big screen using Windows or Linux...). The link shows 4.3 MB of data, it must be a file somewhere, somehow.

Anyone know how do I download this book? (and/or other free book resources as well?)

For reference, here's another valuable resource from Apple:

  • Intro to App Development with Swift

Solution 1:

Assuming you are using iCloud Library for Apple Books, the location for the raw .epub files (can be accessed from the is:

/Users/<YourUserName>/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~apple~iBooks/Documents

As for opening books downloaded from Apple Book Store in Windows/Linux, the books are DRM protected (even the free ones).



Solution 2:

The books dowloaded from Apple Books Store are generally available to read only under the Books app on macOS or iOS.

For The Swift Programming Language book, it could be read on a a different device by accessing the Web version on Swift Programming Language homepage here:


The web-page also includes the link for downloading a DRM free ePub version of the latest edition of the book. To download the book for Swift 5 version use the following link (available from the above mentioned web-page):
