Term for the narrowing of viewpoint arising from joining a particular profession?

I'm looking for a term that means something similar to the idea expressed by the phrase “if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail,” but where the hammer is the set of skills, jargon, norms, etc. associated with a profession.

The term would describe the physicist in this comic.

There is a Portuguese phrase with this meaning: “deformação profissional” (literally professional deformation). It's a play on the phrase “formação profissional” (professional qualification).

Professional bias is an expression often used to refer to the context you describe:

Déformation professionnelle:

  • is a French phrase, meaning a tendency to look at things from the point of view of one's own profession rather than from a broader perspective.

  • It is often translated as "professional deformation" or "job conditioning," though French déformation can also be translated as "distortion." The implication is that professional training, and its related socialization, often result in a distortion of the way one views the world.
