Lemma used to prove $\left|HK\right|=\frac{\left|H\right|\left|K\right|}{\left|H \cap K\right|}$

Consider the map $\varphi: H/H\cap K\longrightarrow HK/K$ by $h(H\cap K)\mapsto hK$.

  1. This is a well defined map by your lemma $\impliedby$.

  2. This map is injective by your lemma $\implies$.

  3. This map is surjective by definition of $HK$.

Therefore this is a natural one-to-one correspondence between these cosets, and the Product Formula follows immediately.

I happen to have written about this yesterday, so here's a link for you https://ml868.user.srcf.net/ExpositoryWritings/Groups3.pdf. There are a few typos I haven't fixed but I hope it is readable and somewhat inspiring.