Contraposition followed by universal conditionals

Solution 1:

Assume $\forall x~(Px\to Qx)$.

Take any $x$. Thus by universal instantiation, $Px\to Qx$ holds. You have already shown this is equivalent to $\neg Qx\to\neg Px$.

Since that holds for any $x$, therefore we can generalise. Thus $\forall x~(\neg Qx\to\neg Px)$ is derived from the assumption. $$\forall x~(Px\to Qx) \implies \forall x~(\neg Qx\to\neg Px)$$

The converse can be proven similarly.

$$\forall x~(Px\to Qx) \impliedby \forall x~(\neg Qx\to\neg Px)$$

... and therefore we have established the equivalence.

$$\forall x~(Px\to Qx) \iff \forall x~(\neg Qx\to\neg Px)$$