USB Storage Device Automount

Under Ubuntu 10.04 one of the problems which appeared is that USB devices would no longer automatically mount when plugged in. Normally I would get a pop up message asking what application I wanted to open the newly plugged in device with, however now that doesn't happen.

This happens regardless of the way the device is formatted (NTFS or FAT32) and all other USB devices (printer, keyboard and mouse) work perfectly.

My current solution is the mount them manually using sudo mount dev/... /medai/... however to be honest I'm just getting tired of having to do this.

I'm happy to post any extra information you are likely to need. I know there will be lots of places I could look to find out what's going wrong but I have no idea where to start really.

Solved, at least for me.

I think it is a hardware issue, because I tried a 12.04 live CD in my desktop and everything works fine. I tried at my laptop and it doesn't open the USB automatically.

Any way the solution that I found is to install usbmount by running the command below on the terminal:

sudo apt-get install usbmount

Then USB mounts fine and automatically.

More info in this page. I also installed autofs.

Hope this works for you.

In gconf-editor, look under /apps/nautilus/preferences. There should be a setting called "media_automount". Ensure that it is checked. There is also an option called "media_automount_open" that you can set if you wish it to open the media in nautilus automatically in addition to mounting it.