Inno Setup generated installer does not show "Select Destination Location" page on some systems

Quoting revision history for Inno Setup 5.5.7:

As recommended by Microsoft's desktop applications guideline, DisableWelcomePage now defaults to yes. Additionally DisableDirPage and DisableProgramGroupPage now default to auto. The defaults in all previous versions were no.


  • The Welcome page is not shown anymore by default. To enable it, set the DisableWelcomePage:


    I do not think you are right with your statement that the page shows on Windows 7.

  • The "Select Destination Location" page is shown for fresh installations only, not for "upgrades". So this has nothing to do with Windows 7 vs. Windows 10. The difference is probably that you have the application installed on Windows 10 system; and you do not have it installed on the Windows 7 system.

    To show the page always, set the DisableDirPage:


Thought as mentioned in the quote above, the defaults are recommended, so you should follow them.

I found another parameters that affects it.


In CreateAppDir page says:

If this is set to no, no directory for the application will be created, the Select Destination Location wizard page will not be displayed, and the {app} directory constant is equivalent to the {win} directory constant. If the uninstall feature is enabled when CreateAppDir is no, the uninstall data files are created in the system's Windows directory.