How should I deal with object hierarchies in a RESTful API?

Solution 1:

There's no reason not to combine these.

  •{user_id} – return a user representation
  •{channel_id} – return a channel representation
  •{user_id}/channels – return a list of channel representations
  •{user_id}/channel_list – return a list of channel ids (or links to their full representations, using the above links)

When in doubt, think about how you would display the data to a human user without "API" concerns: a user wants both index pages ({user_id}/channel_list) and full views ({user_id}/channels).

Once you have that, just support JSON instead of (or in addition to) HTML as the representation format, and you have REST.

Solution 2:

The best advice I can give is to try and avoid thinking about your REST api as exposing your objects. The resources you create should support the use cases you need. If necessary you might create resources for all three options:{id}{id}{id}

Obviously my names are a bit goofy, but it really doesn't matter what you call them. The idea is that you use the REST api to present data in the most logical way for the particular usage scenario. If there are multiple scenarios, create multiple resources, if necessary. I like to think of my resources more like UI models rather than business entities.