GRUB problem after installation of 11.04

Solution 1:

I had a similar problem. Here's how I fixed it (what I remember at least; I was basically just following some forum posts I found, mixed with some experimenting).

  1. Press M to do a manual recovery.

  2. run mount -o remount /. IIRC / is mounted read-only, so this will remount it for writing.

  3. run dpkg --configure -a.

  4. Type Ctrl+D to exit the shell and reboot.

  5. Hopefully, it should boot fine so you can finish the upgrade. I actually don't remember exactly how I did that, sorry. I followed the instructions from the Ubuntu forums, but I can't find the post right now. I'll look for the instructions I followed or maybe someone else can answer it.

Solution 2:

mount -o remount doesn't work for me.
dpkg --configure -a error.

I have to run fdisk -l and manually mount all linux partitions to make it work.