Is it fine to put 4 wood blocks around the crimson/corruption [duplicate]

I am just about to kill the wall of flesh and i dont want the crimson/corruption to spread over my base or jungle i am thinking that i can just put 4 wood blocks around to stop the corruption/crimson

Biomes can only spread within three tiles, so any 4-tile gap of resistant material will prevent spread. Wood is one such material. So is air, which is a lot faster and cheaper (though an air-only gap can be bridged by plant growth in some arrangements).

Bear in mind that large amounts of Corruption/Crimson and Hallow will generate upon entering hardmode, so trying to enclose the spawned biome beforehand is pointless. Smashing altars will also cause new evil to spawn. Enclosing the areas you want to protect (spawn, jungle) is a better strategy.